Bordellos of fate are ordered by man ,
What is it that you do not understand ?
For my will and my purpose is for you ,
To walk in my righteousness as I do ,
To leave behind the things of the flesh ,
To strive to pass your final test
For to walk in trust knowing I AM THAT I AM ,
Allows you through adversities to stand ,
For your signature lies within Me ,
And I AM your freedom you long to see ,
For I have written your name upon my white stone ,
And it awaits you there as you overcome but not alone ,
I shall not forsake the ones I love ,
For you are mine of Me Beloved ,
My judge is My Father yet I AM !
There is but one where Heaven began ,
From which all that is or shall ever be ,
The True and The Faithful The ONE AND THE THREE ,
Where nothing seen is undone ,
One Heart , One Mind , one Spirit , one Goal ,
For all the World to receive Me and Know !
~ An opening of spirit and mind ~
" The \o/ Wellspring of Life " for then your heart is mine !
Not a complicated thought but " a BEING SET FREE " ( CHRIST IN US ) ,
My Spirit in you as you are in Me ,
Receiving , believing in all you are and do ,
That My Grace , My Righteousness is that which completes you !
So where is your mind set for there it shall be !
Upon the world or set upon Me ?!
Deut 33:12
By My Will you survive ,
By My Love you are moved ,
By My Grace you exist ,
And By My Power you enjoy the fruit of My Womb ,
But it is from the Joy that My Spirit finds in you that you are ~ Blessed ~
Encouraging words , video and music for God's children \o/ to live in Unity and Love \o/
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
Before the foundations of the earth I formed you as water like rain for as my word I spoke you into existance from me and as water seeks to return to its source so you pant after me . For I am your water yes but are you not the same for I washed you in my water " Sanctified " .
Is there no sanctuary you will not find water even the water in the desert when it evaporates and dries up is this not to return to its source and even so it comes back down as rain !
So return to me in this same manner let me use you up for as you return it shall be as the " Latter Rain " for you are not just clouds for I AM your water and you are as Me "Water like Rain " !
Before the foundations of the earth I formed you as water like rain for as my word I spoke you into existance from me and as water seeks to return to its source so you pant after me . For I am your water yes but are you not the same for I washed you in my water " Sanctified " .
Is there no sanctuary you will not find water even the water in the desert when it evaporates and dries up is this not to return to its source and even so it comes back down as rain !
So return to me in this same manner let me use you up for as you return it shall be as the " Latter Rain " for you are not just clouds for I AM your water and you are as Me "Water like Rain " !