My children die from a lack of knowledge that I AM The King of their temple and not their own mindset that seeks to dethrone Me for it is in itself unholy .
Therefore take on the all of Me Yes , but I must remain at all times both your denominator your True Foundation Stone and also you must believe I AM The numerator of your ways your All Provider for truly I AM That , your I AM in and through all things my children .
Surrender to Me everything you are that I may "rise up" in you as your Spring and Living Waters yes , but these waters must flood your mindset "that My Kingdom may Come" into the all of you that I may translate your spirit , mind and soul into the "All of Me" "The Manifold Wisdom of The Father" but "you must" make me your door and key you walk through in all you do for I AM your eternal light to the knowledge and wisdom of The Father and it is this you "must" understand . . . "ME IN YOU ALWAYS IN ALL YOUR WAYS" for it is as you "find Me" my mindset is enthroned upon your shoulders and you become My Benjamin and Priest .
Ecclesiastes 6:12For who [ limited to human wisdom] knows what is good for man in his life, all the days of his vain life which he spends as a shadow [going through the motions but accomplishing nothing]? For who can tell a man what will happen [to his work, his treasure, his plans] under the sun after he is gone?
Jeremiah 29:11-14
11For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
12Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.
13Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
14I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will release you from captivity and gather you from all the nations and all the places to which I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to be carried away captive.
Deuteronomy 33:12
12 About Benjamin he said:
“Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.”
Acts 17:28
28For in Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your [own] poets have said, For we are also His offspring.
Joshua 4
1 When the whole nation had finished crossing the Jordan, the LORD said to Joshua, 2 “Choose twelve men from among the people, one from each tribe, 3 and tell them to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, from right where the priests are standing, and carry them over with you and put them down at the place where you stay tonight.”
4 So Joshua called together the twelve men he had appointed from the Israelites, one from each tribe, 5 and said to them, “Go over before the ark of the LORD your God into the middle of the Jordan. Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, 6 to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 7 tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.”
8 So the Israelites did as Joshua commanded them. They took twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, as the LORD had told Joshua; and they carried them over with them to their camp, where they put them down. 9 Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle of the Jordan at the spot where the priests who carried the ark of the covenant had stood. And they are there to this day.
10 Now the priests who carried the ark remained standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything the LORD had commanded Joshua was done by the people, just as Moses had directed Joshua. The people hurried over, 11 and as soon as all of them had crossed, the ark of the LORD and the priests came to the other side while the people watched. 12 The men of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over, ready for battle, in front of the Israelites, as Moses had directed them. 13 About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the LORD to the plains of Jericho for war.
14 That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses.
15 Then the LORD said to Joshua, 16 “Command the priests carrying the ark of the covenant law to come up out of the Jordan.” 1
17 So Joshua commanded the priests, “Come up out of the Jordan.”
18 And the priests came up out of the river carrying the ark of the covenant of the LORD. No sooner had they set their feet on the dry ground than the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and ran at flood stage as before.
19 On the tenth day of the first month the people went up from the Jordan and camped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. 20 And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. 21 He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 22 tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ 23 For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The LORD your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. 24 He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God.”
Encouraging words , video and music for God's children \o/ to live in Unity and Love \o/
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
My spirit is devouring the enemy and building My kingdom in its place !
Do not refrain for this IS your race !
So do not stop or even slow down ,
For at the end you shall receive many crowns ,
My crowning glory will be first ,
So make Me your first choice let Me be your every verse !
For I will guide you through My spirit and Word ,
So pay attention so My Voice is heard ,
For "I in all things" must be your First Fruit !
Sound the alarm ,Blow the Trumpet for My children to put on their armor for I AM your Suit (Armor of The Lord) !
Job 23:5
5I would learn what He would answer me, and understand what He would say to me.
Daniel 11:32
32And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].
Jeremiah 15:19-21
19Therefore thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah]: If you return [and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair], then I will give you again a settled place of quiet and safety, and you will be My minister; and if you separate the precious from the vile [cleansing your own heart from unworthy and unwarranted suspicions concerning God's faithfulness], you shall be My mouthpiece. [But do not yield to them.] Let them return to you--not you to [the people].
20And I will make you to this people a fortified, bronze wall; they will fight against you, but they will not prevail over you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, says the Lord.
21And I will deliver you out of the hands of the wicked, and I will redeem you out of the palms of the terrible and ruthless tyrants.
John 4:15
15The woman said to Him, Sir, give me this water, so that I may never get thirsty nor have to come [continually all the way] here to draw.
Do not refrain for this IS your race !
So do not stop or even slow down ,
For at the end you shall receive many crowns ,
My crowning glory will be first ,
So make Me your first choice let Me be your every verse !
For I will guide you through My spirit and Word ,
So pay attention so My Voice is heard ,
For "I in all things" must be your First Fruit !
Sound the alarm ,Blow the Trumpet for My children to put on their armor for I AM your Suit (Armor of The Lord) !
Job 23:5
5I would learn what He would answer me, and understand what He would say to me.
Daniel 11:32
32And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].
Jeremiah 15:19-21
19Therefore thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah]: If you return [and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair], then I will give you again a settled place of quiet and safety, and you will be My minister; and if you separate the precious from the vile [cleansing your own heart from unworthy and unwarranted suspicions concerning God's faithfulness], you shall be My mouthpiece. [But do not yield to them.] Let them return to you--not you to [the people].
20And I will make you to this people a fortified, bronze wall; they will fight against you, but they will not prevail over you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, says the Lord.
21And I will deliver you out of the hands of the wicked, and I will redeem you out of the palms of the terrible and ruthless tyrants.
John 4:15
15The woman said to Him, Sir, give me this water, so that I may never get thirsty nor have to come [continually all the way] here to draw.
There is a wave event coming through the sun for as a bolt of lightning strikes so a flare up shall cause a tectonic wave event rippling across these channels causing faults to buckle ,fail ,uprise ,sheer ,tear and come apart all as if a hand of God has stretched forth across the face of the earth and shall.
Tectonic plates shall rise up as mountains and in places the earth shall swallow up itself in great measure !
John 4:24
24God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).
Acts 17:24
24The God Who produced and formed the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade shrines.
Isaiah 66
1THUS SAYS the Lord: Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house would you build for Me? And what kind can be My resting-place?
2For all these things My hand has made, and so all these things have come into being [by and for Me], says the Lord. But this is the man to whom I will look and have regard: he who is humble and of a broken or wounded spirit, and who trembles at My word and reveres My commands.
3[The acts of the hypocrite's worship are as abominable to God as if they were offered to idols.] He who kills an ox [then] will be as guilty as if he slew and sacrificed a man; he who sacrifices a lamb or a kid, as if he broke a dog's neck and sacrificed him; he who offers a cereal offering, as if he offered swine's blood; he who burns incense [to God], as if he blessed an idol. [Such people] have chosen their own ways, and they delight in their abominations;
4So I also will choose their delusions and mockings, their calamities and afflictions, and I will bring their fears upon them--because when I called, no one answered; when I spoke, they did not listen or obey. But they did what was evil in My sight and chose that in which I did not delight.
5Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word: Your brethren who hate you, who cast you out for My name's sake, have said, Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy! But it is they who shall be put to shame.
6[Hark!] An uproar from the city! A voice from the temple! The voice of the Lord, rendering recompense to His enemies!
7Before [Zion] travailed, she gave birth; before her pain came upon her, she was delivered of a male child.
8Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Or shall a nation be brought forth in a moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children.
9Shall I bring to the [moment of] birth and not cause to bring forth? says the Lord. Shall I Who causes to bring forth shut the womb? says your God.
10Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn over her,
11That you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breasts, that you may drink deeply and be delighted with the abundance and brightness of her glory.
12For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; then you will be nursed, you will be carried on her hip and trotted [lovingly bounced up and down] on her [God's maternal] knees.
13As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
14When you see this, your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall flourish like green and tender grass. And the [powerful] hand of the Lord shall be revealed and known to be with His servants, but His indignation [shown] to be against His enemies.
15For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and His chariots will be like the stormy wind, to render His anger with fierceness, and His rebuke with flames of fire.
16For by fire and by His sword will the Lord execute judgment upon all flesh, and the slain of the Lord will be many.
17Those who [attempt to] sanctify themselves and cleanse themselves to enter [and sacrifice to idols] in the gardens, following after one in the midst, eating hog's flesh and the abomination [creeping things] and the [mouse--their works and their thoughts] shall come to an end together, says the Lord.
18For I know their works and their thoughts. And the time is coming when I will gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see My glory.
19And I will set up a [miraculous] sign among them, and from them I will send survivors to the nations--to Tarshish, Pul (Put), and Lud, who draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to the isles and coastlands afar off that have not heard of My fame nor seen My glory. And they will declare and proclaim My glory among the nations.
20And they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as an offering to the Lord--upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon camels--to My holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, just as the children of Israel bring their cereal offering in a clean vessel to the house of the Lord.
21And I will also take some of them for priests and for Levites, says the Lord.
22For as the new heavens and the new earth which I make shall remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall your offspring and your name remain.
23And it shall be that from one New Moon to another New Moon and from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.
24And they shall go forth and gaze upon the dead bodies of the [rebellious] men who have stepped over against Me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind.
Tectonic plates shall rise up as mountains and in places the earth shall swallow up itself in great measure !
John 4:24
24God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).
Acts 17:24
24The God Who produced and formed the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade shrines.
Isaiah 66
1THUS SAYS the Lord: Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house would you build for Me? And what kind can be My resting-place?
2For all these things My hand has made, and so all these things have come into being [by and for Me], says the Lord. But this is the man to whom I will look and have regard: he who is humble and of a broken or wounded spirit, and who trembles at My word and reveres My commands.
3[The acts of the hypocrite's worship are as abominable to God as if they were offered to idols.] He who kills an ox [then] will be as guilty as if he slew and sacrificed a man; he who sacrifices a lamb or a kid, as if he broke a dog's neck and sacrificed him; he who offers a cereal offering, as if he offered swine's blood; he who burns incense [to God], as if he blessed an idol. [Such people] have chosen their own ways, and they delight in their abominations;
4So I also will choose their delusions and mockings, their calamities and afflictions, and I will bring their fears upon them--because when I called, no one answered; when I spoke, they did not listen or obey. But they did what was evil in My sight and chose that in which I did not delight.
5Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word: Your brethren who hate you, who cast you out for My name's sake, have said, Let the Lord be glorified, that we may see your joy! But it is they who shall be put to shame.
6[Hark!] An uproar from the city! A voice from the temple! The voice of the Lord, rendering recompense to His enemies!
7Before [Zion] travailed, she gave birth; before her pain came upon her, she was delivered of a male child.
8Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Or shall a nation be brought forth in a moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children.
9Shall I bring to the [moment of] birth and not cause to bring forth? says the Lord. Shall I Who causes to bring forth shut the womb? says your God.
10Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn over her,
11That you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breasts, that you may drink deeply and be delighted with the abundance and brightness of her glory.
12For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; then you will be nursed, you will be carried on her hip and trotted [lovingly bounced up and down] on her [God's maternal] knees.
13As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
14When you see this, your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall flourish like green and tender grass. And the [powerful] hand of the Lord shall be revealed and known to be with His servants, but His indignation [shown] to be against His enemies.
15For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and His chariots will be like the stormy wind, to render His anger with fierceness, and His rebuke with flames of fire.
16For by fire and by His sword will the Lord execute judgment upon all flesh, and the slain of the Lord will be many.
17Those who [attempt to] sanctify themselves and cleanse themselves to enter [and sacrifice to idols] in the gardens, following after one in the midst, eating hog's flesh and the abomination [creeping things] and the [mouse--their works and their thoughts] shall come to an end together, says the Lord.
18For I know their works and their thoughts. And the time is coming when I will gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see My glory.
19And I will set up a [miraculous] sign among them, and from them I will send survivors to the nations--to Tarshish, Pul (Put), and Lud, who draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to the isles and coastlands afar off that have not heard of My fame nor seen My glory. And they will declare and proclaim My glory among the nations.
20And they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as an offering to the Lord--upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon camels--to My holy mountain Jerusalem, says the Lord, just as the children of Israel bring their cereal offering in a clean vessel to the house of the Lord.
21And I will also take some of them for priests and for Levites, says the Lord.
22For as the new heavens and the new earth which I make shall remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall your offspring and your name remain.
23And it shall be that from one New Moon to another New Moon and from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.
24And they shall go forth and gaze upon the dead bodies of the [rebellious] men who have stepped over against Me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all mankind.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
There is a place of alliance I AM calling you to ,
Not just for one but all of you ,
A place of oneness and unity ,
All wrapped up in one ,
The Father , The Son ,
The 7 eyes that see ,
Do you "truly" ?!
Desire to walk in all I AM "Right Now" ?!
Then "agree" " AS ONE " on My will and I WILL move in POW(Power over witchcraft) ,
And then you Shall witness My Kingdom surround you "AS ME " ,
Be My Michaels (Resembles EL ) resemble ME ! ! !
John 3:2 (Amplified Bible)
2Who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know and are certain that You have come from God [as] a Teacher; for no one can do these signs (these wonderworks, these miracles--and produce the proofs) that You do unless God is with him.
Not just for one but all of you ,
A place of oneness and unity ,
All wrapped up in one ,
The Father , The Son ,
The 7 eyes that see ,
Do you "truly" ?!
Desire to walk in all I AM "Right Now" ?!
Then "agree" " AS ONE " on My will and I WILL move in POW(Power over witchcraft) ,
And then you Shall witness My Kingdom surround you "AS ME " ,
Be My Michaels (Resembles EL ) resemble ME ! ! !
John 3:2 (Amplified Bible)
2Who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know and are certain that You have come from God [as] a Teacher; for no one can do these signs (these wonderworks, these miracles--and produce the proofs) that You do unless God is with him.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
While entering into a oneness of worship with a small body of worshippers I heard The Spirit of The Lord release these words for your discernment . . .
Do you see My children now you HAVE found your
John 4:23
23A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers.
Revelation 2:3-5
3and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary.
4'But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
5'Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place--unless you repent.
Do you see My children now you HAVE found your
John 4:23
23A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers.
Revelation 2:3-5
3and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary.
4'But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
5'Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place--unless you repent.