Keys to the kingdom
There are things to see that no one could imagine . They will come swiftly through the night and light up the horizon , order is important now so darkness can't creep in .
Keep me close stay in my word for my word is your rudder and will guide you through troubled waters . I have the map you need so stay close to me and I will guide you like a ship through the night .
We are in this together and together we will conquer all that enters the pathway , that is not from me. Together we will bring light to a darkened world full of trouble and sin . We have much to do so hearken onto my voice now !
Where there is trouble you shall go but not alone for the Lord your God is with you in all that you do and all that is done ! Seek not after the wrong leadership but test the waters within , for some will drag you down but my leadership will be buoyant and fruitful . Seek my voice now for we have much to do and a short time to accomplish the task at hand . Why have we come together at this time ? For now is my time and all that you see and here will not be from me . Stay in the light and you will find comfort from the storm , all is well there and nothing can harm you . Stay close for the time is at hand and things will move quickly . Don't be swept away in the flood but stand on high ground where I have placed you . Lead not but be led , for my spirit abounds with truth and knowledge that penetrates all . It will reveal the hidden things that will be your key to survival . Not from man but from God ! Now go tarry not for the time is at hand and we have already begun the fight for justice and salvation .
"Here are the keys to the kingdom" , Seek me first in all you do ! Not just the big things but in every matter of the heart . Now if you do this , the other keys will reveal themselves to you .
Will you do my will or slumber and sleep ?! We have no time for scoffers for they to will be used to , Pick them up , dust them off , and ignite the fire within them from my word and the spirit will follow ! Take hold for the hour is near and the trumpet call will sound ! Make haste and all will be well .