Ordained contingencies are based on obedience to My word whether spoken or written ~ God Breathed ~ , for as my breath falls upon you as Sampson and lifts you to your feet as Ezekiel it is then My vision that takes place in your heart and mind , for whosoever is mindful in and of My mindset walks in the fullness yeah ! Manifold wisdom of My will , purpose and calling . For I have called you for a time such as this in that ; there is no shadow of turning from Me to harvest all that is mine ! For the pruning is coming to completion as the threshing floor clears , and in this completion so I shall bring The Bride together as one for I AM overtaking all that is mine , and all that is done in man's power shall cease ! Therefore Come to the threshing floor that I may carry out all that is not of Me and release you in all fullness to your destiny in Me for My glory and Name sake !
Now My children If you search the depths of your heart " AS I " you shall discover all it is I am doing through you in that you " are " my threshing floor for others as well as yourself for as my word I call my messengers winds and my servants flames of fire and you " are " the flame of My heart filled with the ( ( ( Zeal ) ) ) of My fire as you relase my voice and breath as a wind shaking the pillars of My house I call YOU ! ! ! ! ! ! ! < ( 7 ) flames ( Isaiah 11:2) . Allow me to consume you as well as others so that all that wells up in you is ME for I AM an All consuming fire !
ReplyDeleteThank you my brother "peace be with you always "