Do you truly know me ? I breathed life into your well ?!
So now it springs up that all lies I may dispell,
I know you for even your name is in my hand ,
I have come into your life that through you I may take back my land ,
I call you Apostle , Priest and Friend ,
I will never forsake you for in you I Am The Beginning and the End ,
But your path and life are eternally bound and found in me ,
For I AM your beginning , your Creator and your end is My eternity ,
I have saved for you a place and this is yours today ,
Just come and enter into Zion I will show you the way ,
You see it is the voice of my spirit and Word that are your guide ,
Come sit and read and then listen and in my hush of peace abide ,
For when you enter my courts your praise of thanks are heard ,
No matter what anyone tells you your prayers are always heard ,
And though many would inhibit you to pray ,
I am the Voice of many waters and I hear you every moment of the night or day ,
So call to me and I will answer and show you many things ,
For my plan is for you to prosper in all my life in you brings ,
So hearken to my voice , come sit and let all your flesh fade away ,
For I desire to remove you before this final judgment day ,
So come ! Sit with me and listen to the King of kings ,
And then you shall enjoy all eternal life in me brings ,
For I Am your Life and Master of all your live's ways ,
So come and sit beside me for I Am your night and days !
John 15:15
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
Jeremiah 29:11
11For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Jeremiah 33:3
3'Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'
Joshua 3:15-17
15And when those who bore the ark had come to the Jordan and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were in the brink of the water--for the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest--
16Then the waters which came down from above stood and rose up in a heap far off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those flowing down toward the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt [Dead] Sea, were wholly cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho.
17And while all Israel passed over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.
Hebrews 12:22-25
22But rather, you have come to Mount Zion, even to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to countless multitudes of angels in festal gathering,
23And to the church (assembly) of the Firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in heaven, and to the God Who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous (the redeemed in heaven) who have been made perfect,
24And to Jesus, the Mediator (Go-between, Agent) of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance].
25So see to it that you do not reject Him or refuse to listen to and heed Him Who is speaking [to you now]. For if they [the Israelites] did not escape when they refused to listen and heed Him Who warned and divinely instructed them [here] on earth [revealing with heavenly warnings His will], how much less shall we escape if we reject and turn our backs on Him Who cautions and admonishes [us] from heaven?
It is only by us sitting at his feet and being still can we hear Jesus telling us how much he loves and others. Let us sit at his feet!