Sunday, January 31, 2010


 These are days of thunder and I am seeking those who will thunder for me and with me for I AM a great and mighty God eternal in all things though you do not see or conceive this it is in fact my nature engrained in you .

 Yeah even the zeal for you to live is instilled and imparted by my breath .
  But now I am doing a new thing for " I am parting the waters once again " to bring my children across and into the promised land but this will be done in Spirit and Truth and even now I am seperating the sheep from the goats and yet the wolves among the flocks are ravenous liers bringing only seperation to my children and deceit .

 Yet my prophets that bring words of guiding light and correction are considered as though they serve this same purpose yet even as these warnings of luke warmness continue my sheep are left in the dark by these false shepherds closing their eyes and ears to my voice and spirit .

So be aware my children I am speaking now and in my voice is " fresh manna for today " and you will find this voice amongst those that "truly" love me and receive me through the vessels of my choosing for these will be those that truly fear me and not man .

Come to the Spring of Living Waters and drink in my eternity for I share my glory with those that return it to my feet and lift it in their voice .
Draw near for your redemption is Nye and I am about to complete you in me my bride .
Can you see my outstretched hand even now calling you to the bedchamber of my ways of Truth and Life ?

Then be obedient to my voice in spirit and in truth for as I speak you must listen with My spirit and heart and not your own for I AM in you as you receive me in fullness and in truth .

Do not deny my spirit as it moves in the church and in the street for I AM moving even in the alcoves of your heart and this is my testimony to you . . .

I will never leave you or forsake you as you turn your face towards me and away from worldly ways .
Come My children for you are my sheep as you hear my voice and obey !

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