Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Timeline of your Life

 My aperture is open to you and I see and know where you are at this very moment on the timeline of your life in Me but do you understand what I am really doing in your life right now at this very moment for it is not a secret but merely a deeper friendship and walk with me that I desire of you. You see many believe that death or illness are lines in the sand that appear as deep valleys in one's life but truly my spirit in you has already overcome these obstacles of life and your life line is constant and eternal in me for there are no broken lines merely the fear of the unexpected not known to the flesh but as your spirit becomes one with me truly all these lines fade away in the Forgetful Sea and Tranquility takes their place for it is as you enter my rest and abide in this secret place of My heart that nothing else matters but Me in You and You in Me . . .

Matthew 10:38-39 38 Those who do not take up their cross and follow in my steps are not fit to be my disciples. 39 Those who try to gain their own life will lose it; but those who lose their life for my sake will gain it.

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