Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MY Peace , My Love , My matrimony !

`Deuteronomy ledgers are now revealing themselves in accolades of promises of love forcast in the foundations of my chosen ones and ordained oracles through my voice ( The Testimony of Jesus Christ , The Spirit of Prophecy and The Prophets ) , for I Am True and Faithful " THE WORD " in heaven and " THE BLOOD " on Earth for who knows I am mindful but my sheep that hear my voice ? Yet now My voice shall no longer be rare but " KNOWN " and in this knowing you shall find the Sanctuary you so desire and Zion shall sustain you in its grasp for it represents my hand of love in heaven as Bethesda does on Earth , for my five fingers of love in grace find their home in your heart as you displace guile and rebellion .
So be my radiant ones ( as Moses ) and begin to walk in my fullness full time ! For Now is the harvest and great is my reward .
Come up higher ! And I SHALL reveal my hand of love in Matrimony and Peace .
Come ! And allow me to water you , for " NOW " IS my time !
The following was received 1-14-09
I am birthing a new thing in you ,
My wind and fire anew !
A change in the aspect of your heart ,
Your coming of age finding me where you start ,
An annihilation of all things you ,
Nothing left on the threshing floor I am starting anew ,
A place where you may find a new home ,
My heart in you , My will alone !
So come to my fleshing floor so I may remove you !
Let's get started and finish this work
" Me in you "
Deuteronomy ledgers are coming into view ,
Not written on glass for all to view ,
But on the hearts of those filled with my love ,
My heart's desires from above ,
My blessings bestowed on wings of fire ,
My words living Rhema ( God Breathed ) to encourage and inspire !
So take the time to spend with me ,
For I AM revealing my heart with those with eyes to see . . .
This came today 5-8-09
There is a community effort I bring you into at times for a just cause and effect " UNITY " but there are also times of selfless commitment to me alone in that your oneness of self combines unattended by others and there is a wholesome oneness with my heart not guiled by others so in this intimacy you shall find no shadow of turning .
Hebrews 1:7In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire."

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