Friday, February 17, 2023

The Dominion of The Overcomer

 You carry the Breath of life in  The form of The Lord,

 This is your sword,

 To walk in my fullness there can never be ,

 Fear or regret in the eyes that see,

All that I truly am for my Bride,

 Your presence is my abide,

No longer do you take the shape of man,

But The form of The Lord, The Great I AM,

 Your sufferings have ceased for all the eyes of your heart see,

Is The Father's Will and how it shall bear fruit and Be,

 Now you walk in evidence of the miraculous and True,

 For The Blood of The Lamb flows through you ~~~

Your being is completely founded in me,

I Am your fortress and canopy,

My tent pegs of grace expanding from you,

Touching, healing ( (( declaring )) ) 📜  all that is "True" !

Dressed in the fullness of My Majesty,

 My Glory is all they shall see,

For you and I are woven into one,

My Virtue completely done . . .

For as I have chosen you and you have betrothed your heart  💙 to Me,

 Now you rest in My Majesty . . .

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